1. ISO 9000 ISO 9000 is series of standards that outlines the requirements for quality management system (QMS). It is a purposeful effort to promote worldwide standards of products that will. Ø Improve operating efficiency Ø Improve productivity Ø Reduce costs The extended version of ISO is International Organization for Standardization, which is identified as an organization for measuring internationally accepted standard for quality. The work of ISO is conducted by around 180 technical committees. It is the work of the quality management and quality assurance committee. There are essentially 5 standard associated with the ISO 9000 series. They are ISO 9000 ISO 9001 ISO 9002 ISO 9003 and ISO 9004 v ISO 9000 is the set of guidelines for the: a) Selection and use of standards b) ISO 9001 c) ISO 9002 and d) ISO 9003 v ISO 9001 desc...