1.     Delegation:  The transfer of authority from a manager to a subordinate. 
2.     Span of management:  The number of employees reporting to a manager.  Also known as span of control. 
3.     Centralization:  Decision authority is concentrated at the top of the organizational  hierarchy. 
4.     Decentralization:  Upper management pushes decision-making authority to lower organizational levels. 
5.      Tall structure:  Characterized by a large number of hierarchical levels and a relatively narrow span of management. 
6.     Flat structure:  Characterized by few hierarchical levels and a broad span of management.
7.     Organizational change:  The adoption and implementation of innovations and new behaviors by an organization.
8.      Reactive change:  Changes that occur after external forces have affected organizational performance.
9.      Proactive change:  Changes initiated in anticipation of future events and opportunities.
10.  Sequence of organizational change 
  • Environmental and internal forces → Need for change → Initiate change → Implement change 
11.  Performance gap:  The gulf between desired and actual performance. 
12.   Initiating change  :
-         Search:  Discovering developments internally and externally that can satisfy a need for change. 
-        Creativity:  The creation of innovative solutions for organizational problems. 
-        Idea champion:  An employee who determines a need exists within an organization and actively strives to satisfy it. 
-         New venture team:  A temporary task force assigned to solving organizational problems and developing innovations. 
-        New venture fund:  A fund established to provide resources for individual and group-developed innovations. 
13.   Implementing change 
-        Force field analysis:  Determining which forces drive or resist proposed changes. 
-         Communication and education:  Providing employees with detailed information on impending organizational changes through presentations and info papers. 
-         Participation:  Involves employees with the organizational change process. 
-        Negotiation:  A formal bargaining process between management and subordinate business units and employees that serves to set changes in terms that are mutually acceptable. 
-        Coercion:  The use of formal managerial power to force changes upon an organization. 
-        Top management support:  The public expressions by executive management in support of organizational changes. 
14.  Categories of organizational change 
-         Technology changes:  A change that incorporates developing technology that improves communication, management, and production. 
-        Product changes:  A significant change in a company’s product or service. 
-        Structural changes:  Any adjustment of an organization’s management or functional structure. 
-        Cultural changes:  A change in employee beliefs, values, and norms. 
15.  Leadership:  An individual’s ability to influence a person or group of people to perform functions that reach goals. 
16.  Trait theories:  Theories that promote individual personality traits as factors that determine leadership effectiveness. 
17.  Behavior theories:  Theories that promote behaviors as factors in determining leadership effectiveness. 
18.  Ohio State Studies 
-        Initiating structure:   The structuring by a manager of roles to best achieve goals. 
-          Consideration:  The propensity of a manager to form professional relationships based on trust, respect, and regard for subordinates’ feelings. 
19.    University of Michigan Studies 
-        Employee-oriented leader:  A leader who promotes interpersonal relationships. 
-        Production-oriented leader:  A leader who promotes task- orientation. 

20.   The Managerial Grid:  A matrix that graphically illustrates leadership styles by identifying 81 different leadership styles.  


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