1.      Scandinavian Studies 
-        Development-oriented leader:  A leader who is willing to take risks, experiments, and develops new ideas to accomplish goals.
2.      Contingency Theories of Leadership 
-        Fiedler contingency model:  States that effective groups require a match between a leader’s style and his or her subordinates’ personalities
3.     Cognitive resource theory:  States that by first making plans, decisions, and strategy, a leader’s effectiveness is enhanced. 
4.     Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory:  States that leadership effectiveness is greatly influenced by subordinates’ readiness. 
    Leader-Member Exchange Theory:  States that leaders form “in” and “out” groups and that individuals in the “in” groups will perform better than those who are not. 
5.       Path-goal theory:  States that subordinates accept a leader’s behavior, as they view it, as a source of satisfaction.  
6.     Attribution theory of management:  Postulates that leadership is an attribution made by individuals of others. 
7.     Charismatic leadership theory:  A subcomponent of attribution theory that states followers attribute heroism or extraordinary leadership skills based on observing certain behaviors. 
8.     Characteristics of charismatic leaders
     •  Self-confidence      •  Ability to articulate vision
     •  Strong convictions about the vision      •  Extraordinary behavior      •  Perception as an agent of change      •  Environment savvy 
9.     Transactional leaders:  Those who are goal-oriented and motivate by clarification of roles and tasks. 
10.  Transformational leaders:  Achieve by providing individualized direction, intellectual stimulation, and demonstrating charisma. 
11.  Power:  The ability of an individual to influence behavior in others  to perform functions they would otherwise not perform. 
12.   Dependency:  The relationship between two entities where one possesses something the other requires. 
13.   Basis of power 
-        Coercive power:  Based on fear. 
-        Reward power:  Based on the ability to provide rewards for desired behavior. 
-        Legitimate power:  Based on the position one holds as bestowed by an organization. 
-        Expert power:  Based on specialized skills or abilities. 
-        Referent power:  Based on the possession of resources or traits. 
-        Elasticity of power:  The impact of power in variable alternatives. 
14.  Power tactics:  Means by which individuals exercise their power into action. 
  •  Reason   •  Friendliness   •  Coalition   •  Bargaining   •  Assertiveness   •  Higher authority
15.   Politics:  Behaviors that are distinct from formal roles and seek to influence the distribution of resources within an organization. 
16.  Legitimate politics:  Using sanctioned lines of communication and command to influence leadership. 
17.  Illegitimate politics:  Circumventing the system and using unfair tactics to influence leadership. 
18.  Communication:  The transmission, receipt, and understanding of information.
19.  Communication model 
-          Encoding:  The conversion of a message to symbolic form.  
-        Message:  The actual information.  
-         Channel:  Medium that carries the message.  
-        Decoding:  The deciphering of the message by the recipient.   •  Feedback:  Communicating that the message was understood.

20.  Communication networks:  Routs by which information flows.  


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