Tools and Techniques of Development Planning
The tools and techniques of planning refer to those quantitative and qualitative methodology, measures and analysis that are made in comparison, assessment and in choice in the planning process.
1. Capital -Output-Ratio (COR)
The concept of
capital-output ratio (or capital coefficient) expresses the relationship
between the value of capital investment and the value of output. It refers to
the amount of capital required in order to produce a unit of output. When the
capital-output ratio in the economy is said to 5:1, it implies that a capital
investment of Rs. 5 crores is essential to secure an output (income) worth Rs 1
crore. It may thus be defined as "given relationship between the
investments that are to be made and the annual income resulting from these
investments". The capital-output ratio is of two types: average capital-output
ratio (ACOR) indicates the relationship between the existing stock of capital
and the resultant flow of current output. The incremental capital-output ratio
(ICOR) expresses the relationship between the amounts of increase in output
(income) delta Y , resulting from a
given increase in stock of capital delta K ,. This can be indicated
as delta K/ delta Y. In other words,
"average capital-output ratio refers to everything that has been invested
in the past and to the whole income. The marginal ratio refers to everything
that has been added in a recent period to the capital or income".
The concept of
capital-output ratio is applicable not only to an economy but also to its
different sectors. There are different capital-output ratios for different
sectors of the economy depending on the techniques (capital intensive or
labor-intensive) used by them. In a sector using capital intensive techniques
the capital-output ratio would be high and in another sector using
labor-intensive techniques the capital-output ratio would be low. Transport,
communications, public utilities, housing and capital goods industries have
very high sectoral capital-output ratios. While capital-output ratios in the
agriculture sector, manufactured consumers' goods industries and service
industries are generally low. The overall capital-output ratio for a country is
the average of the sectorial ones. The capital-output ratio is an important and
useful concept for purposes of economic planning in an underdeveloped country.
"This is particularly true where it is necessary to check the consistency
of targets for the growth of national income against the additional capital
likely to be available from current savings of foreign investment". In
order to estimate the financial requirements of growth, it is necessary to have
an estimate of the volume of investment needed to attain a given target of
output. The capital-output ratio is thus used to determine the growth rate of
an economy. The Harrod -Domar models of growth are based on this concept.
In formulating a plan,
an ICOR is required for the purpose of calculating the growth rate of the
economy. Suppose we want to increase national output by 10 and assume the ICOR
to be 2. In this case the required addition to the capital stock needed for new
investment will be (10*2=20). Assuming the current level of national output to
be 1000 and the saving rate 0.04, the domestic saving will be 40. Now this much
of domestic saving can be invested for the purpose of increasing national
output. Given the ICOR of 2, this amount of saving and investment would
increase national output by 20 (= 40/2). This gives the growth rate of 2
percent per annum in national saving ratio by the ICOR, i.e., 0.04/2=0.02 or 2
percent. Moreover, the importance of capital-output ratio lies in making out
the case for obtaining large foreign aid for investment by underdeveloped
countries. Since the domestic saving-income ratio is low in underdeveloped
countries, a higher rate of foreign aid is required for achieving a higher
growth rate, assuming a conventional capital output ratio of 3 to 4. Thus the
concept of capital-output ratio is a useful tool which highlights the
importance of capital in development planning, helps in testing the consistency
of the desired growth rate and the resources of an underdeveloped country.
The following are the
guidelines for successful Capita-output Ratio (COR) computation
The measure of ICOR should be attempted
only if data is available for long period
If the period covered by the data is less
than three or four years, every efforts must be made to make sure that the
period is normal.
The undertaking of a development plan
itself changes the COR and straight forward projection of past ICOR in the same
country is not satisfactory.
The purpose of calculating ICOR is only to
determine total capital requirement and it should not be used for establishing
priorities among investment projects or sectors.
In appraising projects
from the national viewpoint the most appropriate and popular method is cost
-benefit analysis. This analysis is the most scientific and useful criterion
for project evaluation. It helps the planning authority in making correct
investment decisions to achieve optimum resource allocation by maximizing the
difference between the present value of benefits and costs of a project. It
involves the enumeration, comparison and evaluation of benefits and costs. This
implies weighing of the returns against the costs involved in a project. Thus
the cost-benefit analysis "purports to describe and quantify the social
advantages and disadvantages of a policy in terms of a common monetary
unit." Its objective function is the establishment of net social benefit.
This objective function can be expressed as NSB= Benefit- Cost, where benefits and
costs are measured in terms of 'shadow' or 'accounting' prices of inputs and
outputs instead of in actual market prices.
S.N |
Evaluation |
Decision |
1 |
B-C |
It would always favour
for a large project, and make small and medium size projects less beneficial.
Thus, this criterion can only help in determining the scale of the project on
the basis of the maximization of the difference between B and C. |
2 |
B-C/I |
It is for determining the total
annual returns on a particular investment to the economy as a whole
irrespective of to whom these accrue. Here I does not include the private
investment that may have to be incurred by the beneficiaries of the project,
such as the cultivators from an irrigation project. If the private investment
happens to be very large, even a high value of B-C/I may be less beneficial
to the economy. ·
Where, B and C refer to benefits
and costs respectively, I relates to direct investment and Δ is incremental
or marginal. |
3 |
ΔB/ΔC=1 |
It is meant to
determine the size of a project that has already been selected and is not for
selecting a project. |
4 |
B/C>1 |
The benefits are more
than costs and it is beneficial to undertake the project. |
5 |
B/C<1 |
The benefits are less
than costs and the project cannot be undertaken. The higher the benefit-cost
ratio, the higher will be the priority attached to a project. Since capital
and other investible resources are scarce in underdeveloped countries, it can
maximize output by using them on a project so that its benefit-cost ratio is
higher than that of the next alternative project. |
6. |
B/C=1 |
The Project is
marginal. It is just covering its costs. |
7 |
Net present Value (NPV) |
It is important
criterion used for project evaluation. NPV is equal to the present value of
benefits minus the present value of operating and maintenance costs minus
initial outlay. This criterion is also expressed as the net present value of
benefits (NPVB) criterion so that Net
Present value of Benefits= Gross Present Value of Benefits- Gross Present
value of Costs. A project is socially profitable if the NPVB>0. If
there are number of mutually exclusively projects, the project with the
highest net present value of benefits will be chosen. |
The cost benefit analysis
was developed in the United States for the appraisal of investments in
irrigation and transportation projects. In
LDCs, projects are often selected on an ad hoc basis and sufficient attention
is not given to their evaluation in terms of costs and benefits. Since all
pubic projects are related to the objectives of growth, they aim at maximizing
social welfare. Stephen Marglin points toward three merits of cost-benefit
analysis for such countries. First, it helps in reducing differences in the
marginal effectiveness of alternative measures for accomplishing such
objectives as between irrigation and other means of raising agricultural
production. Second, it helps in assessing the costs of fulfilling one objective
in terms of benefits sacrificed with respect to other. Third, it has a
political advantage in that, "it would be difficult for any particular
group to distort project plans to serve its own interests if its consent, along
with the consent of other relevant sections of the community, were obtained at
the time of setting the criteria in advance of planning specific
projects." Another merit of the use of cost-benefit analysis is that it
permits decentralized decision-making, Even if the public sector is small, no
single authority can hope to handle the vast mass of technical information
needed to decide on a number of specific projects. In order to calculate costs
and benefits of each project, a separate authority is needed for each. This,
therefore, necessitates decentralization of decision making.
Again, the cost-benefit analysis is "practical way of assessing the desirability of projects, where it is important to take a long view (in the sense of looking at repercussions in the future, as well as the nearer future) and wide view (in the sense of allowing for side effects of many kinds on any persons, industries, regions, etc,). As such, it is a highly useful tool for project evaluation in developing countries.
3. Project Appraisal (PA)
Project appraisal or
project planning is a process of decision-making over-time, starting with the
identification of projects and going through stages of various feasibility
studies e.g. engineering, financial etc., then the investment phase, and
finally evaluation. The notion of project cycle is identification of project
cycle is identification of projects and setting a targeted growth rate
-feasibility studies (engineering, financial, technical etc.) -evaluation of projects
(cost-benefits analysis, net present value, sensitive analysis) i.e. economic
and social appraisal.
A typical 'project
appraisal report' should consist the following components.
The term of reference
An engineering study to see whether the
project is technically feasible.
A financial study to ascertain how much
project will cost in budgetary terms at market prices.
An appraisal of economic costs and
benefits valuing outputs and inputs at social prices. It includes secondary
impacts (indirect impacts of projects) on economy and effects on the
distribution of income.
Details of administrative requirements of
the projects.
Conclusions and recommendations.
4. Input-Output Model (IOM)
Input-output is a novel
technique invented by Prof. Wassily W. Leontief in 1951. It is used to analysis
inter-industry relationship in order to understand the inter-dependencies and
complexities of the economy and thus the conditions for maintaining equilibrium
between supply and demand. It is also known as "inter-industry
analysis". This model tells that there are industrial inter-relationships
and inter-dependencies in the economic system as a whole. The inputs of one
industry are the outputs another industry and vice-versa, so that ultimately their
mutual relationships lead to equilibrium between supply and demand in the
economy as whole. Coal is an input for steel industry and steel is an input for
coal industry, though are the outputs of their respective industries. A major
part of economic activity consists in producing intermediate goods (inputs) for
further use in producing final goods (outputs). There are flows of goods in
"whirlpools and cross currents" between different industries. The supply
side consists of large inter-industry flows of intermediate products and the
demand side of the final goods. In essence, the input-output analysis implies
that in equilibrium, the money value of aggregate output of the whole economy
must equal the sum of the money values of inter-industry inputs and the sum of
the money values of inter-industry outputs.
A United Nations study lists the following
uses of input-output models in development programming:
They provide for individual branches of
the economy's estimates of production and import levels that are consistent
with each other and with the estimates of final demand.
The solution to the model aids in the
allocation of the investment requirement required to achieve the production
levels in the programme and it provides a more accurate test of the adequacy of
available investment resources.
The requirements for skilled labor can be
evaluated in the same way
The analysis of import requirements and
substitution possibilities it's facilitated by the knowledge of the use of
domestic and imported materials in different branches of the economy.
In addition to direct requirements of
capital, labor and imports the indirect requirements in other sectors of the
economy can be estimated.
Regional input-output "models can also
be constructed for planning purposes to explore the implications of development
Programmes for the particular region concerned, as well as for the economy as a
It concludes that these
models "are primarily applicable that have achieved a certain degree of
industrial development and hence have a substantial volume of inter-industry